Sharon Peoples & Peter McLean | Artist Talk | 17 May

Peter Mclean, life force, woodcut 40x60cm. Image courtesy of the artist

DATE: Saturday 17 May, 2025

TIME: 1:30 – 3:30pm

COST: Free


Beginning with a walk around and talk about their exhibition and responses to their Mt Wilson residencies, join them afterwards for afternoon tea and “a conversation” in The Space.  Dr Sharon Peoples and Peter McLean will reflect on the benefits of artists residencies and share tips on finding out about and successfully applying for residencies.

About the Artists

Established Canberra based artists, Dr Sharon Peoples has a PhD in Art History and is known for her hand and machine embroidery, while Peter McLean, a printmaker, works across print techniques, drawing and installation. They share an interest in nature, the environment and gardening.


Artist Peter Mclean standing in front of a wall

Peter McLean. Image courtesy of the artist

Woman with round classes and a black shirt creating embodied lace artworks in a gallery

Sharon Peoples, Working at TAC as part of Art Residency. Facebook 2019