SouthFest: Our Community Day

WHEN: Saturday 11 November, 2023

WHEN: 10am – 3pm

WHERE: Art activities in the Town Centre and at Tuggeranong Arts Centre

COST: Free, drop in activities. All welcome.

SouthFest Stars with artist Ann McMahon

Taking inspiration from the artist, and using fun sparkly materials and glittery pens, drop-in and decorate a cardboard star and help make a galaxy for installation at Tuggeranong Arts Centre, or to take away and decorate your home. Drop into our art activity in the Laneway between Cowlishaw and Anketell Street anytime between 10am and 4pm. Free, all welcome.

SouthFest space drawing with artist Blaide Lallemand

Get spacey with TAC’s for SouthFest! Draw an asteroid, a black hole; a comet, a planet, or even a hubble space telescope… Whatever takes your fancy; grab a black marker and make your mark! Your drawing will then be upscaled and converted into a large vinyl artwork to be installed on the ceiling of Tuggeranong Arts Centre’s much-loved upstairs lakeside venue. To be part of the making of the TAC galaxy, drop-in to our art stall in the Laneway between Cowlishaw and Anketell Street anytime between 10am and 4pm. Free, all welcome.

SouthFest Fantastical Futures with artist Paul Summerfield at Tuggeranong Arts Centre

Join artist Paul Summerfield for the Fantastical Futures drop-in workshop and help make a giant community mural for installation in a temporary shelter at Woden Bus Interchange. Can you imagine a whacky wind propeller bus, a rocket skate-board, a flying car, or a surfboard with wings? The sky is the limit! Drop-in and make a drawing of your unique future transport idea, with help from the artist. Working with all your wonderful ideas, Paul will incorporate them into the final work of art for installation in Woden. See it up on the bus shelter walls from Mid-December. To be part of this fun SouthFest activity, drop-in to Tuggeranong Arts Centre anytime between 10:30am and 12:30pm on Saturday 11 November. Free, all ages welcome.

If you can’t make the drop-in workshop at TAC, but would like to submit a drawing and make a creative contribution to this community mural, please email your artwork to by the 12th November at the latest. Page size to be no bigger than A4.

SouthFest Felt Flowers with artist Lynn Petersen at Tuggeranong Arts Centre

Learn the art of felting and make a simple felt flower in this free drop in making session at Tuggeranong Arts Centre between 12:30pm and 3pm on Saturday 11 November. All ages welcome.