Fresh Funk 18m – 6 | Littlies Program

WHO: 18 months-6 years


Term 1: Monday 3 Feb – Saturday 12 April

Term 2: Mon 28 April – Saturday 5 July

Term 3: Mon 21 July – Saturday 27 September

Term 4: Mon 13 October – Saturday 13 December

Cost: $125-$165 per term

MINI FUNK: 6-8 years of age

WHEN: Thursdays 4.30 – 5.15pm

COST: $165 per term

Children will participant independently, learning to explore and control movement. Starting to explore routines and basic choreography


FUNK STARS: 4-6 years of age

WHEN: Thursdays 3.45 – 4.30pm

COST: $165 per term

Children will participant independently, learning to explore and control movement. Encourages fitness, creativity and imagination.


FUNKY MONKEYS (Parent and Child): 18 months – 3 years

WHEN: Mondays 9:30 – 10:15am or Saturdays 10.15 – 11am

COST: $125 per term

Introduce your little one to dance at the most basic level using music and rhythms. There’ll be singing, there’ll be dancing, there’ll be laughing!