A wood block print of overlapping colours in blue, red and purple.

Peter McLean, Valeska Tilly stencil 1, woodblock print

WHEN:  6-8pm Tuesdays, 6 Aug – 10 Sep 2024

COST: $250 (6 weeks)



A six-week introduction to print making using mini presses and your own hand carved wood blocks. Beginning with a black and white print, embellish your image and expand the technique week by week with colour using stencils and overprinting.

Develop a multi-colour design using the reduction method to produce a short run of editioned prints to take home and share with family and friends.

About the Artist

Peter McLean has a deep affinity for nature and the environment. Working across a range of printmaking techniques, drawing and installation, he explores the materiality of nature and our physical, emotional, and spiritual relationships with wild places.  His practice combines traditional techniques and craftsmanship, a sense of play and willingness to experiment and a desire for his materials to be given equal voice as collaborators in his making process.  Since graduating from ANU School of Art in 2010 he has maintained an active practice including numerous solo and group exhibitions, residencies, and teaching engagements at Megalo Print Studio, ANU and interstate.

Find out more about Peter McLean on his website

Peter McLean