A print roller, ink, ink bottle and pallet knife lie on a hessian matt.

Lino print workshop tools

WHEN:  Saturday 13 July, 10:30am – 12:30pm
COST: Free


Learn to use lino and block inks to create your own Expressions of Country themed print to take home. Rechelle and Megan invite you to play in the art workshop with simple, accessible printmaking. Participants are asked to bring images of Country (birds, animals, trees, insects, flowers etc) to use for inspiration.

About the Artists

Megan Daley is a Ngunnawal Wiradjuri woman and Rechelle Turner is Wiradjuri and both are dedicated to growing knowledge and engagement with First Nations culture and perspectives.

 Megan Daley is an emerging artist and has undertaken a number of commissions including for the YMCA Canberra and Woden Community Services. Her work was included in Heart Strong, a survey of First Nations women painters based in Ngunnawal Country at Belco Arts in 2021. She is a passionate advocate for her culture and people through her community work and says, “In my art, I want to celebrate everything I love about my culture.”

 Rechelle Turner recently delivered Yuma Yarn weaving and music events for Tuggeranong Arts and has previously shown at the Centre in 2022, in a solo exhibition, Ngadhu Bandali Ngurambang Gu. Collaged works included paper featuring Wiradjuri language and designs were snapped up by audiences. Rechelle was inspired by learning and reclaiming her cultural language and said, “I had underestimated the sense of power, of connection, that I would feel when reconnecting with Wiradyuri culture and language. I can only hope to promote healing in our community for those like me who have been dispossessed of their cultural and linguistic heritage. And I hope that these artworks and resources can be used to help that.”